Repurposed copyrighted photograph by Jackson Frishman, mixed media on board, bird object, and birds from postage stamps
(18" x 24" board)
Repurposed copyrighted photograph by Jackson Frishman, mixed media on board, bird object, and birds from postage stamps
(18" x 24" board)

sculptures by marie morgan

Coat of Mail
Cancelled postage stamps on cotton fabric
(18" x 12" x 56"H)


"I envisioned my first sculpture, Coat of Mail, in 2005 and began collecting cancelled stamps for it. I found an original Nehru jacket pattern online, but did not begin assembling the work until 2016, when I finally moved into a studio large enough to lay out all the stamps from a dozen shoe boxes. Over two years I planned, assembled, and sewed the stamps in place."

Gracie the Grasshopper
Acrylic paint, bamboo, canvas, carpet tacks, dress fabric, genuine fake eyelashes, gesso, rubber, Styrofoam, taxidermy foam, wire, wooden beads
(26" x 32" x 28"H)
Grasshoppers come in two color palettes, bright and plain. Gracie is wearing her finest bright colors, because her coloring helps warn off predators that might be tempted to eat her. Her gown originated as a dress that was worn to the Occidental College graduation of 1992, where Maya Angelou was the commencement speaker. The wooden beads at Gracie’s mouth are her “knife and fork,” helping her eat her food.

Tess the Tapir (SOLD)
Acrylic paint, buttons, gesso, leather, mink, synthetic pearl, taxidermy foam, tea bags, upholstery fabric, wood
(18" x 24" x 12"H)
These creatures are an endangered species, with only between 3000-4500 remaining in the world. As babies, such as Tess, they have a camouflage coat to help them remain safe from predators in the dappled forest light. Adults can be solid brown or black & white, and can reach 720 pounds. They are threatened by habitat destruction and poachers.
Tess is wearing a pearl earring (thank you Vermeer), and she only wears it and her mink collar on special occasions. She has to order special fancy boots, because she has 3 toes on her back feet, and 4 toes in front.

Philicia the Pangolin and Pippy (SOLD)
Acrylic paint, gesso, silk, taxidermy foam
(16" x 5" x 7"H)
These endangered, solitary, primarily nocturnal animals are easily recognized in the wild by their full armor of scales, but Philicia and her baby are wearing dress silk. Pippy’s outfit is actually her mother’s fabric, reversed.

(Tray Detail)
Collage on parchment, wooden tray
Security Guard (After Robert Rauschenberg)
Wood, sheep skin, plastic, paper, wooden tray with collage on paper
(tray 12" x 12" x 6"H)
I spotted this gentle creature on the ‘sale’ table at the Pendleton store in Portland, Oregon. There he was meant to epitomize the high value of real wool, but he immediately reminded me of Rauschenberg’s “Monogram” (ca 1955-59). I took the little fellow home, knowing that eventually he would become a spoof on the original spoof. His ‘tire’ was supplied by the Home Depot plumbing dept.

Religious Freedom for Armadillos
(12" x 12" x 7.5"H)